
May 2003

I've been working so hard on different art projects. I'm working on level 2 of the my Framestract creations. They will be more intense and more detailed in expressions. Framestract breaks the idea that canvas is limited to being square. It expands the border, but at the same time, the limited areas express the limitation placed on artist by critics. Framestract is a struggle between creativity and market-ability. Also, I've been doing some music production. The latest project is VSF ( I did some vocals and designed the layout for the vinyl.

February 2003

Happy New Year everyone! This year I am developing new paintings and a surprise.... A new project that I hope many people will enjoy and relate to. will be changing soon in the months to come. I promise to write more on the site this year. For those have purchased some of my paintings, the new collection will start in Late 2003.

September 2002

My first new painting series titled "OMANOT ETA" have been completed. Ever since I painted my first framstract titled "The Planet", I knew I had found my style. So now we have updated the website to reflect the new paintings.

I am looking for galleries or museums that may be interested in displaying my work. Currently, I am not signed or contracted with any agents. I am looking for representation.

I plan to continue the framstract series with more paintings very soon.


June 2002

June 24 - Grand Opening!!! Everyone is welcome! Enjoy a totally different world, relax and enjoy your visit.
Hsky has been working on finishing a series of abstract framed paintings. There will be three in the series.

Thank you.

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